What kind of kit do I need to wear?
When starting out, ordinary sports kit is fine – most people wear shorts, t-shirt and trainers. A warmer layer might prove useful when the colder weather sets in, and later in term you’ll have the opportunity to buy more specialised kit in the club colours like splash-jackets (lightweight waterproof layers), leggings and all-in-ones (for warmer weather). And of course, stash!

Where does training take place?
On the river (mostly)! Christ’s has the closest boathouse to the centre of town, which has recently been renovated. Land training usually takes place at the boathouse, and all outings (on-water sessions) meet there as well. For directions from college, click here.

What does blade/finish/bump/mixed-eight/coxswain mean? It’s all very confusing…
Rowing has a lot of specialised terms, but don’t worry, you quickly get used to it. For the meaning of a particular word, check out our jargon page.